
Health the two treasure both men and women

Diet articles
Male: spermatogenesis, anti-oxidation of a two-pronged
Paul yang: male tonic to ensure yang, that men assume greater social pressure to rush to fatigue easily lose yang. Specific to the individual constitution, to choose the right supplement yang diet.
Yang Shen Jing: male eating a big emphasis should be placed in the "Yang Shen fine. Because the collection of the renal main yang, yang of the human body from the kidneys, kidney to provide impetus for the activities of life, and should therefore be to eat Bushenshengjing food. Wolfberry, yam and medicine, chestnut, black sesame seeds, lotus seeds and other foods have kidney effects.
Complement proteins: men and women is a major difference is that a larger proportion of the male body muscles. From the nutritional point of view, men should be concerned about the intake of sufficient quantities of high quality protein, because the muscles need protein to provide energy. The protein also can help the sperm, increase fertility. The men should also ensure that the supplement of the daily zinc, selenium and other trace elements.
Antioxidant: male life is harmful to health risk factors is much higher than women, such as smoking, alcoholism, etc., so the "antioxidant" should be another major focus of the male diet. Men can eat antioxidant nutrition. The same time, some of the natural antioxidant food, the effect is not lost on nutritional supplements. Contain rich vitamin C, vitamin E and other natural antioxidants as grapes, tomatoes, mustard and broccoli, hawthorn, garlic and so on.
Women: blood loss, iron, iron supplementation is very important
For women, the importance of eating may row after sleep, eat well for health beauty, of great benefit. Blood is well known, but it must be noted during menstruation do not fill the period after the supplement works best.
The blood Yangyin: ingredients, herbs such as astragalus, ginseng, Codonopsis, Angelica root, white peony root, Rehmannia, Salvia Shou Wu, Millettia, medlar, donkey-hide gelatin, jujube, longan, black-and so on are nourishing share.
Iron and vitamins for women: This is very important, and blood will lead to the loss of iron; female outdoor activities long overall men may lead to lack of sunshine synthesis of vitamin.
Female Recipe: women have been able to eat foods rich in quality protein and essential trace elements (especially iron), folic acid and vitamin B12 nutritional food, such as soy products, animal liver, kidney, animal blood, fish, shrimp, chicken, eggs classes, dates, brown sugar, black fungus, mulberries, peanuts (with the Redskins raw better), black sesame seeds, walnuts, and a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits and so on.
Sleep articles
Men: "child nap benefit yin and yang
Although, unlike women like to rely on sleeping beauty, but the sleep of the men actually pay attention to. Sleep favorable yin and yang, recuperate, can Yang Shen, this man is very important.
The busy work of men, according to advocates of the "Yellow Emperor" sleep "sub-afternoon nap. 1:00 ~ 3:00, slept for half an hour to one hour, just to "keep"; go to sleep at night from 9 to 11:00, beginning, "Yin", this time to sleep the best.
From the Western point of view, sleep for the city to run around endlessly, it is extremely important for physical labor consume a lot of men. If the lack of time or quality of sleep is not high, it will have adverse effects on the brain. If long-term brain fatigue is difficult to restore, severe cases may affect brain function.
Women: Sleep to "recharge" blood filling
Sleep and its role for women as much as any health beauty Jiapin sleep at night is the female body to be the best chance of nourishing Yin and Blood "charge", traditional Chinese medicine to promote Jing Yin ", the women rely on sleep to maintain a static state. Another female health also pay attention to "blood", as long as the high quality of sleep, is blood filling, reflecting the glow on the face, so the argument of "Sleeping Beauty" is a very scientific reason.
Western medicine also believes that sleep is particularly important for women because the female endocrine great influence on the endocrine level of life there will be several times sharp fluctuations, such as menstruation, pregnancy, lactation stage, after the menopause. Endocrine disorders, women there will be physical discomfort, and his face will be bad. Sleep is the best time to adjust the endocrine. The high quality of sleep, enough time, it means that regular rest assured the long run, endocrine levels will tend to a constant and laws, of course, of great benefit to women health beauty.
In addition, women during the menstrual period because of excessive bleeding, may be appropriate to increase the sleep time to resist fatigue.
Man woman hot of cold health health
According to The Australian newspaper reports, a man afraid of the heat, so "cold" point man live a long life; woman cold, so "hot" point of a woman live longer. Xiyuan Hospital Health professor, said Yang Li, Chinese medicine, the chill of a woman by nature, so cold; men naturally sun dry, so afraid of the heat.
Man "cold" health
The water temperature to cool the experts suggest that men do not frequent hot baths or saunas, once a week, the appropriate temperature to 37 ℃ ~ 41 ℃, 15 to 20 minutes a week total of not more than 30 minutes.
Eating cold down the experts said, the men preference for animal fat will lead to renal overload, increasing the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors. Therefore, men should learn to low-calorie diet, reducing animal fat intake.
Anger drop down the man a 40-year-old, decreased physical function, the temper is growing. U.S. researchers conducted more than 700 40-year-old male 5 years of follow-up survey found that 5.8 percent of people in the past five years, because angry at least won a heart. Up anger should be good to relief, such as listening to soothing songs, tidy desk.
A woman "hot" health
Cold is the woman's health and beauty maximum devastation, cold hands and feet, but the face is easy to spot long. Therefore, women on their own "warm" a little.

