
British experts concluded six health rules: do not eat after 8 pm

Drink fruit juice.
British nutritionist Emma Will eating fruit in their daily lives, rarely drink fruit juice. She believes that the juice in particular is to add sugar, sweetener, acidulant, spices and other ingredients of the bottled juice contains a lot of sugar and calories, drinks juice susceptible to obesity.
Do not often complain about pain.
British plastic surgeon John Rawls said, some people only a very slight pain, but kept complaining to others; some people have severe pain, but very happy life. Therefore, people should try to maintain an optimistic attitude.
Try to avoid using power tools.
British hearing expert Paul the Da Luoke people using electric tools, tend to produce large amounts of noise, which may lead to permanent hearing damage.
Not eat after 20:00.
Matthew Banks, London University Hospital gastroenterologist, believes that people eat after 20:00, will increase the chance of suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease.
A large number of vitamin supplements D.
British dermatologist Nick Roy said that the modern man for a long time to stay indoors, it is easy to make the body due to insufficient sunlight in a lack of vitamin D, leading to bone softening disease, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, prostate cancer.
Spend five minutes a day to relax the Achilles tendon.
British orthopedic Dr Roy Tudeqiongsi,, relax specific methods of operation of the Achilles tendon, in the downstairs, the first toes point in the next stage on the stairs, and then let the heel slowly whereabouts.

